One platform to Collaborate with teams

Unique dashboard for Sharing, Tracking and Managing data, on-premises and while on the move.

Empowering leaders to make RIGHT decisions through real-time updates and managing workforce skilfully from anywhere at any time. View and manage activities instantly as they happen. Improve your productivity without hassles using customized views and inline editing to be an effective contributor.

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Bridge the gap between the teams.

Empowering leaders to make right decisions through real-time updates and managing workforce skilfully from anywhere at any time. View and manage activities instantly as they happen. Create trackers with view and share with team. Set multi-level access view levels on the go. Use multiple file formats or get access to the database. Track historical logging and views for better control.

Improve your productivity without hassles using customized views and inline editing to be an effective contributor. Over CEDTRACK users could have multiple tabs for multiple trackers without interfering with others.

Conduct Data Analytics, Pivoting, Dynamic filtering and more. Integrate with customized email and SSO for better access and security. Share your workspaces and views with the teams for contribution, erasing geographical boundaries.

Light weight platform for heavy weight collaboration like never before. Collaborate and Control across teams

Handle data tables and create customized views like never before

CEDTRACK is a unique collaboration and tracking platform to handle data tables and views as you please. Share a single data table with multiple team members withholding confidential fields. Updates from the teams are reflected onto the table in the real-time. Be confident in sharing the views without loosing the confidentiality of the data.

Create users and manage them without hassle while managing data flow among various team members. Collaboration and control at the time time. Direct access to database possible through enterprise access.

Avail Saas model or On-Premises installation as per your business needs. CEDTRACK is the ultimate choice when it comes to handling data tables among larger teams

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